VMEB Competitions Video Guidelines, FAQ, and Q&A from different regions


Competition Video Guidelines

The video requirements are the same as the VMEB music exams with the exception of the presence of a functioning analogue clock and a Certified Music Learning Centre Exam Supervisor.
影片要求與 VMEB 樂器考試相同(撇除類比時鐘入鏡之要求,以及無需認證音樂學習/考試中心監考員在場)。

Unedited performance in one take

The video has to be an unedited performance in one take. No stopping, editing or splicing of any kind is allowed at any point of the video.

Steady Shots

Steady shots are essential. It is suggested to use a tripod on a steady platform for a clear and steady image.

Auto Focus

Unless professionally trained, autofocus will produce a better image than manual focus. Therefore, it is recommended for participants to use autofocus unless professionally trained.

Zoom and Lighting

Set the zoom before the recording begins. Do not zoom and pan during shooting. Make sure the lighting is sufficient for a clear image.


Both an external microphone or a built-in microphone may be used. Place the external microphone or the recording device approximately 2 to 5 meters away from the candidate. Experiment with the distance to gain maximum clarity.
攝錄機的內置麥克風或外接麥克風都可以使用。請將外接麥克風或帶有內置麥克風的攝錄機放置在距離考生大約 2 到 5 米的地方。反覆試驗距離以獲得最大的清晰度和音色音感(放得太近會失去美感;太遠失去清晰度)。

Shooting Angles

The video should be recorded as if it is filming a live performance. The recording device should be placed at the eye level of the audience and should be shot  in landscape mode. It is not recommended to shoot the video from an angle too high or too low. You may use wide-angle lens if the exam room is not spacious enough as long as it creates a sharp and clear image.

Picture Composition

The entire figure of the candidate should be covered in the video if candidates are taking an exam for the instrument in Group A below.
如果考生參加 A 組樂器之考試或比賽,則影片中應涵蓋考生的全身。

Group A – Piano, Cello, Double Bass, Harp
A 組樂器 – 鋼琴,大提琴,低音提琴,豎琴

The upper body or entire figure of the candidate should be covered in the video if candidates are taking an exam for the instrument in Group B below.
如果考生參加 B 組樂器之考試或比賽,則影片中應涵蓋考生的全身或半身。

Group B – Violin, Viola, Classical Guitar, Flute, Clarinet
A 組樂器 – 小提琴,中提琴,古典結他,長笛,單簧管

Video must show candidates’ hand position (both hands) including the entire instrument (except piano in which only covering the keyboard and pedals is allowed).

Video Format

The exam video must be recorded in “mp4” format.
考試影片需以 “mp4” 格式錄製

Excerpt from VMEB Certified Music Learning Centres & Exam Supervisors Guidelines.
節錄自 VMEB 認證音樂學習中心和考試主管指南。

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

History of the VMEB Online Competitions

Vienna Music Examination Board (Official name in German: ‘Wiener MusikPrüfungskommission:) is an international accreditation body and authority on professional graded practical music examinations and early childhood music education programs. The Board Committee consists of members of institutions with a history of over 150 years, conservatories, professional bodies, and world reputable music associations such as world-leading composer associations.
維也納音樂考試局 (原文德語名稱 “Wiener Musik-Prüfungskommission”; 官方英文名稱“Vienna Music Examination Board”) 由奧地利維也納逾一百五十年歷史之音樂學院、大學、歐洲知名管弦樂團及作曲家協會等組成的國際音樂考試資格評級組織。

The Board has established an International Exam Administration Office in Hong Kong (Room 403, 4/F, Valley Centre, 80-82 Morrison Hill Road, Hong Kong), responsible for conducting the Board’s daily administration work and operations outside Austria, and to coordinate with the Board’s other local Exam Administration Offices in overseas.

The VMEB Video Competitions have been held yearly since 2010. Starting in 2019, due to the rising number of candidates, it was amended to be held every six months.
維也納音樂考試局自 2010 年起主辦香港賽區之樂器演奏錄像比賽,並從 2019 年起,定期每半年舉行一次。

Facebook / WhatsApp Application
Facebook / WhatsApp 報名

You may also send us the application through Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. Our social media manager will forward the documents to admin@vmeb.org
您可以使用 Facebook Messenger / WhatsApp 報名。社交媒體經理會替您把文件從上述通訊平台轉發到維也納音樂考試局駐港辦公室之電郵 admin@vmeb.org 。

Please note that you still need a valid email address to finish the video submission process.

A confirmation email with the application number will be sent to you to confirm your application within 3 working days. Subsequently, you may reply to this confirmation email for video submission.


Data collected will be limited solely to the purpose of competition application.

Age Restriction

There is no age restriction for the competition, people of any age can sign up.

Programme Approval

The appearance of repertoire items on any board’s listings will guarantee acceptance for the competitions (including the current and any past syllabi). No approval is necessary.
只要是任何一首 VMEB、RCM、英國皇家音樂學院、聖三一音樂學院或任何其他考試機構之考試大綱(包括最新及歷屆考試大綱)內曾經有出現過之考試樂曲就可以。無需經過審批程序。

For more information, please refer to the following site:

You may also download the VMEB syllabus with the following link:
你亦可以從官方網站下載 VMEB 考試大綱:

Mask or Face Covering Use Guidelines

If a mask or face covering is being used during the recording, please remove them for at least 3 seconds before starting your performance. Your facial appearance is required for identity confirmation.
如在使用口罩或面罩之情況下錄影,請在開始演奏前露面至少 3 秒,以作確認參賽者身份。隨後可以戴上口罩或面罩進行演奏。

Video Announcement Necessity and Video requirement

It is not necessary to do an announcement of any kind during the competition. The candidate can simply begin the performance. The video requirements are the same as the exams with the exception of the presence of a functioning analogue clock and a Certified Music Learning Centre Exam Supervisor.
錄影模式跟 VMEB 考試模式相同(撇除類比時鐘入鏡之要求,以及無需認證音樂學習/考試中心監考員在場)。

詳情可參閱官方網站 /Support Centre / Certified Music Learning Centres & Exam Supervisor / Guideline for Certified Music Learning Centres & Exam Supervisor 檔案中的  Exam Video Guideline

Piano accompaniment

A piano accompaniment is not compulsory for the competition, but is highly recommended as it may affect the performance and the results.

Video Trimming

Trimming the beginning or ending of the video doesn’t count as editing.

Marking Scheme

The competition videos will be graded on a scale from 1 to 5, with one being the best.
參賽片段會先以 VMEB 考試基準評分。評分為 5 分制,1 分最高,

1 – Very good (sehr gut, 91 – 100%)
2 – Good (gut, 81 – 90%)
3 – Satisfactory (befriedigend, 66 – 80%)
4 – Pass (genügend, 50 – 65%)
5 – Fail (ungenügend, 0 – 49%)

分數值 1 為非常好 (sehr gut, 91 – 100%)
分數值 2 為良好 (gut, 81 – 90%)
分數值 3 為滿意 (befriedigend, 66 – 80%)
分數值 4 為合格 (genügend, 50 – 65%)
分數值 5 為不合格 (ungenügend, 0 – 49%)

Participants receiving 1 (sehr gut, 91 – 100%) will be qualified to compete for the Champion, 1st Runner Up, and 2nd Runner Up medal. Participants receiving 2 will be awarded merit certificates. A certificate of participation will be issued to participants receiving 3.
獲得 1 非常好 (sehr gut, 91 – 100%) 成績之參賽者才有資格角逐 VMEB 比賽冠軍、亞軍及季軍殊榮。獲 2 分者可獲發優異 (Merit) 獎狀。獲 3 分或其他成績者可獲發參賽證書 (certificate of participation)。

The grade 1 – Very good (sehr gut, 91 – 100%) variate with suffix + and -. Participants receiving 1+, 1, a 1- will be awarded Champion, 1st Runner Up, and 2nd Runner Up medal respectively. Champion is approximately the top 5% best performance of the level, followed by the 1st runner up at 7.5%, and the third runner-up at 12.5%.
分數值 1 非常好 (sehr gut, 91 – 100%) 成績細分為 1+, 1 及 1- ,分別可奪得冠軍,亞軍,及季軍殊榮並獲頒授獎牌及獎狀。冠軍約為同級參賽者中表現最好的 5%,亞軍為其次之 7.5% , 季軍為再其次之 12.5%。 

Late Application

VMEB accepts late applications caused by internet or other technical issues to the latest of 15 days after the deadline.
如因網絡或其他技術性問題之延誤,本局接納最遲於截止日期後 15 日或之內收到之影片連結電郵。

Regional Q&A

Hong Kong:

Is this certain piece in the graded syllabus of any other boards?
請問這 一首特定的曲目 是否在任何其他機構的等級音樂考試大綱中?

For information on the other examination boards or competitions, please inquire with individual authorities.

Is the VMEB marking scheme more difficult or easier than the other music examination boards?
請問 VMEB 的評分方式會比其他音樂考試更難或更容易?

It is inappropriate for us to comment on matters related to other examination organizations.


I am a Pink Thai ID Card holder, can I apply?



Can I use an OHIP card as my ID for the application?
