雅樂合奏團訂於 2011年11月3日(星期四)晚上 七時四十五分假香港中環花園道聖約翰座堂李堂舉行音樂會,屆時八位演奏家會以不同的組合演出多首室樂作品。合奏團更特別邀請了身兼註冊音樂治療師及註冊音樂心靈導航治療師的伍偉文先生作小型演講,向觀眾講解古典音樂如何能幫助繁忙的都市人抒發生活中的壓力。 請大家萬勿錯過是次於香港首次舉辦有古典音樂現場演奏暨音樂冶療的室樂音樂會!
節 目:布蘭度- 為小提琴、中提琴、巴松管、大提琴及鋼琴而寫的F大調五重奏
貝多芬-為單簧管、 巴松管、圓號、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴及低音大提 琴而寫 的降E大調七重奏
綱 址:www.concertodacamera.org
Concerto da Camera promises an evening in style with chamber music, classical music
insights and the relaxed ambiance in one of the most historic architecture in town.
Concerto da Camera will present a chamber music concert and a mini music therapy lecture at the Li Hall of St.John’s Cathedral on a Thursday evening at 7:30 pm 3rd November. In addition to a range of chamber music performances, Mr. Ng Wai Man, Raymond, registered Music Therapist and GIM Therapist, is invited to share with the audience how classical music helps release pressure from the stressful life of us city dwellers. This is Hong Kong’s first-ever classic music live performance combining with music therapy session!
Brandl Quintet in F major for bassoon, violin, viola, cello and piano (1800)
L.van Beethoven Septet in E flat major for clarinet, bassoon, horn, violin, viola,
cello & contrabass (1789)