Oxford University and Eton College admissions 牛津大學及伊顿公學取錄生,後會有期!

Karen Tsang (left), The University of Oxford Will Shao (right), Eton College, awarded Music Scholarship

Karen Tsang (left), The University of Oxford
Will Shao (right), Eton College, awarded Music Scholarship

Photo taken in 2013-08-03 AM10:03

Congratulations to Karen Tsang (left) on being accepted to The University of Oxford.

Congratulations to Will Shao (right) on being accepted to Eton College and awarded Music Scholarship.

Please ignore the one in the middle, he is just a nobody. ;)


伊頓公學(Eton College),全名為溫莎宮畔伊頓聖母英王書院(The King’s College of Our Lady of Eton beside Windsor),是英國著名的男子公學,位於英格蘭溫莎,泰晤士河邊。


資料來源﹕ https://zh.wikipedia.org


牛津大學(英語:University of Oxford)是一所位於英格蘭牛津市的公立研究型書院聯邦制大學。其為英語世界中歷史最悠久的大學,也是世上現存第二古老持續辦學的高等教育機構。雖然大學的實際創立日期仍不清楚,但有記錄的授課歷史可追溯到1096年。

資料來源﹕ https://zh.wikipedia.org/