Junior Violin Course (Group) 兒童小提琴班(小組) CAD128 / 4 lessons 堂

Junior Violin Course (Group) 兒童小提琴班(小組)  CAD128 / 4 lessons 堂

●Viola Group Class Demo 中提琴合奏班片段 Violinist / Violin & Viola Pedagogist 小提琴家/教育家 Mag.art Wilson CHU 朱偉舜

學就要學最好!小提琴名師 Wilson CHU

適合無接受任何音樂或樂器訓練的小提琴初學者,或初級至中級程度之小提琴學生。國際級名師 Wilson CHU 會用顯淺易明的方法教授小提琴的基本演奏技術。

This course is suitable for children who are completely new to the instrument and is also designed for violin beginners or intermediate level students with little music experiences. World-class violinist, Wilson CHU, will introduce the fundamentals of the instrument to students through straightforward, easy to follow instructions.

Target 對象
Beginners to Grade 5 students
初級至 5 級學生
Age 年齡
Aged 4 – 13
 4 至 13 歲
Class Size 每班人數
Max. 8 students
最多 8 人
Language 語言
Schedule 時間
星期二 TUE 15:30 (Course code: JVCG0138)
星期三 WED 10:30 (Course code: JVCG0139)
星期三 WED 16:30 (Course code: JVCG0140)
星期五 FRI 17:30 (Course code: JVCG0141)
Duration of lesson adjust according to class size:
1 student 30 mins, 2 students 40 mins, 3-6 students 50 mins
每課 30-50 分鐘,上課時間將因應該課堂人數調整:
1 人 30 分鐘, 2 人 40 分鐘, 3-6人 50 分鐘
Tuition 學費 CAD128 / 4 lessons 堂

Discount 優惠
* Two go together 20% off
* 2人同行8折
First 8 lessons, BOTH students will receive 20% off discount

立即報名! Enrol Now!

Course Description 課程簡介:

It progresses through Hohmann violin method, custom-made scale exercises and culminated in learning a few simple songs. In pursuit of good intonation and tone production as well as lectures focusing on different violin techniques, students improve their skills on the instrument unwittingly.

使用自編定制教材與及 Hohmann 教程引導學生練習,以簡單的旋律及音階訓練,在追求音準及更完美音色的過程中不知不覺地提昇演奏能力。

Violin pedagogist, Wilson CHU, has extensive experiences in teaching group classes of students with different levels and learning abilities. The curriculum will be custom-made according to student’s level and ability. For children who are new to the instrument, teacher will focus more on the basics such as the proper way to hold the bow and the instrument. For students with more experiences with the instrument, teacher will focus more on sight-reading, intonation, tone production and ensembleship.

小提琴教育家 Wilson CHU 豐富的團體課程經驗,能同時照顧學習程度及能力不同的學生。課程內容跟據學生程度及學習能力定制,初級同學重點訓練基礎技巧如握弓、運弓、發音和節奏感。 能力較高者重點訓練視譜能力、音準、音色變化及合奏感。

在把玩樂器,感受優美音樂的同時,學生在合奏訓練的過程當中,由於需要高度的紀律性,不但能提高專注力、指令聆聽及執行能力,更能有效增強反應與及學習能力。合奏訓練更可以培養團隊合作精神,增強社交能力,建立良好的溝通技巧,樹立正確的審美態度,並培養出良好品德。為培養學生正確的學習態度 – “學習是自己的事”,家長毋須旁聽。(我們歡迎家長旁聽,但絕對不是必須的)

This course would work well for anyone that looks for quality violin lesson at a bargain price. It also works well for those already taking private lessons and wanting to supplement their learning experience.
